
Monday 20 April 2020

Positive Body Image.

“Why can’t I just be skinnier” or “Why can’t I just gain more weight”, a question we always tend to ask ourselves. But do you ever stop to think “I am enough”?. Every day you look in the mirror and believe you are too fat or too skinny or even too weak to encourage yourself. But little do you realise how powerful your thoughts can be. Throughout the term, I have been learning about positive body image, I have learned quite a lot. A lot of things I have learned about positive body image have changed my mindset. For example, I’ve always thought negatively about myself because of my size and naturally how other people have looked at me. Today I have created two similar posters, both based around positive body image. My goal was trying to get people to understand that no one has the perfect body but everyone has the wrong mindset. The quote I have put together was written by different people but I’ve only put them into my own words. The quote says “Life is too short to let your mind define the way you look and feel about your body”, this means, stop allowing yourself to hurt yourself by the way you think, soon you will find out that all your life you were worried about the way people would stare at you and not focusing on the fact that “Perfection does not exist”, mainly if we are speaking about our body appearance. To all the students out in the community who believe that their body is out of shape or not to everyone else's standard, I want to encourage you to think differently, I would advise you not to listen to anyone's opinion if it is not positive. Find your worth and live up to your own standard, instead of trying to impress everyone else.

Friday 17 April 2020

Lockdown - Digital Learning from home

Besides all the negative vibes that are currently flowing through the air during these times I have so far enjoyed the majority of my lockdown. Funny thing is… for my family we don’t stand by the rules but no ones perfect and we are not here to judge one another, anyway, my family and I have been celebrating birthdays and achievements by gathering together in one house. Social distancing - not too much of a problem considering that all I do is sit at home all day, except for my mum and brother, who stay in the same household with me as well as my two older siblings,  they are essential workers. It’s never frightening, the fact that it's possible for them to carry the Virus and spread it around because we all are confident that we're stronger than the bug.

Despite the fact that I have been busy cleaning a lot of the time, I still manage to have a relaxing time with there being a large amount of time in my hands. This is an image of my learning area, digital learning from home. It isn’t always like this, one because I hardly do my work and two because today I was just feeling like a snack. As you can see, I was watching some muckbang, which is a popular trend on youtube for youtubers at the moment. There are also chips, noodles and tuna alongside my 2 devices which are very helpful for my hunger. Of course we cannot forget about the lovely bottle of water because we need to keep hydrated throughout the day and so forth.

Wednesday 21 November 2018

Every morning our class starts the day with a bit of writing which we call quick write. Here are some examples of my writing.

Wednesday 7 November 2018

The Unseen

This film is based on healthy choices mixed with a horror, the message we are trying to put out is "If you do not stay healthy this can happen to you". Obviously this is not true but we thought we could fit two genre in to this one movie.We did enjoy creating this film and we hope you enjoy! contributed

Tuesday 4 September 2018


 Every Monday we play a game called
Ki-o-rahi. We have been playing this game for 6-7 weeks now and it also has a legendary story behind the actual game.
The story is about how the patupaiare (The bad guys) took Rahi's wife Teara.

Tuesday 19 June 2018

Our Constable Taina Drug talk!

Yesterday Constable Taina came into our classroom to talk about the different drug use and the background history of taking drugs in Auckland.
She also talked about how drugs can ruin your life and changes you and your actions. Throughout the session she told us about the consequences of using drugs and different criminals in Auckland.
Our sessions with Constable Taina are very much like life lessons, Today will be our last session with Constable Taina and I have learnt a lot from our sessions.