
Monday, 20 April 2020

Positive Body Image.

“Why can’t I just be skinnier” or “Why can’t I just gain more weight”, a question we always tend to ask ourselves. But do you ever stop to think “I am enough”?. Every day you look in the mirror and believe you are too fat or too skinny or even too weak to encourage yourself. But little do you realise how powerful your thoughts can be. Throughout the term, I have been learning about positive body image, I have learned quite a lot. A lot of things I have learned about positive body image have changed my mindset. For example, I’ve always thought negatively about myself because of my size and naturally how other people have looked at me. Today I have created two similar posters, both based around positive body image. My goal was trying to get people to understand that no one has the perfect body but everyone has the wrong mindset. The quote I have put together was written by different people but I’ve only put them into my own words. The quote says “Life is too short to let your mind define the way you look and feel about your body”, this means, stop allowing yourself to hurt yourself by the way you think, soon you will find out that all your life you were worried about the way people would stare at you and not focusing on the fact that “Perfection does not exist”, mainly if we are speaking about our body appearance. To all the students out in the community who believe that their body is out of shape or not to everyone else's standard, I want to encourage you to think differently, I would advise you not to listen to anyone's opinion if it is not positive. Find your worth and live up to your own standard, instead of trying to impress everyone else.

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